Simple & Easy to study ENT Notes

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Anatomy of Larynx

Anatomy of Larynx.Text.Marked.pdf

Anatomy of Thyroid

Anatomy Thyroid.Text.Marked.pdf

Benign Salivary Gland Tumours

Benign Salivary Gland Tumours.Text.Marked.pdf

Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity (including buccal mucosa, tongue, posterior 1/3rd tongue, floor of mouth)

Carcinoma buccal mucosa, tongue, floor of mouth with reconstruction.Text.Marked.pdf

Tumours of Hypopharynx (including Carcinoma Hypopharynx)

Carcinoma Hypopharynx.Text.Marked.pdf

Carcinoma Larynx

Carcinoma Larynx.Text.Marked.pdf

Carcinoma Thyroid

Carcinoma Thyroid.Text.Marked.pdf

Cervical Lymphadenopathy with Unknown Primarhy

Cervical Lymphadenopathy with unknown primary.Text.Marked.pdf

Deep Neck Space Infections

Deep neck space infections.Text.Marked.pdf

Anatomy of the Tracheo-bronchial tree + Foreign body tracheobronchial tree + Laryngotracheal Stenosis

Laryngotracheal stenosis _ foreign body.Text.Marked.pdf

Malignant Tumours of the Salivary Glands

Malignant Salivary Gland Tumours.Text.Marked.pdf

Oral Premalignant Lesions

Oral Premalignant Lesions.Text.Marked.pdf

Physiology of Phonation

Physiology of Phonation.Text.Marked.pdf

Physiology of Taste

physiology of taste.Text.Marked.pdf



Surgical Anatomy of the Parotid

Surgical Anatomy of the Parotid gland.Text.Marked.pdf

Triangles of the Neck

Triangles of Neck.Text.Marked.pdf

Vocal Cord Palsy

Vocal Cord Palsy.Text.Marked.pdf